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Digital Dependence is Hurting 
Our Kids

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Would you give your 10 year old a box of cigarettes?  


Then, why would you give her a smartphone?


In 20 years, we will view the effects of social media and 100% connectedness on youth as more dangerous than smoking.


Let's Take Control

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The Problem

Social media and digital dependence have adverse mental health effects on our youth.


Incidents of mental health disorders, life dissatisfaction, self harm, and suicide have been growing at an alarming rate since mass adoption of social media and the smartphone  (~2012)


If we do not take action, our children will repeat the outcomes we have seen in Gen Z.  


Allowing social media and smartphone access to kids (ages <16) will rob them of the opportunity to live a full childhood.

Who Are We?

People of Action


Parent Pledge is a community of parents who have

committed to delaying social media and smart phone access 

for their kids until at least 16 years of age.

The Pledge

This is your opportunity as a community member to join the movement

By signing this pledge, you are fortifying the resolve of all other parents who have ever thought:


"I have to get my kid a phone, or she will be isolated from everyone else."


No more... if we stand together, we can create the world we know to be possible.

Who is in this with you?

Founding Principles

A key inspiration and resource for the participants in is the work of Professor Jonathan Haidt, an NYU professor focused on moral and political psychology. He is the author of The Anxious Generation (2024) and The Coddling of the American Mind (2018) (amongst others). We encourage you to read/listen to his work, particularly The Anxious Generation. ​ In the The Anxious Generation, Professor Haidt focuses on the behavior and health of Gen Z (people born between the mid-1990’s and ~2012) This is the first generation to go through puberty during the mainstream adoption of social media and use of smartphones. These individuals were in middle & high school when social media exploded and smartphones became the portal of consumption. As you'll see in the data, this has resulted in damaging effects on their mental health. ​ Below, please find access to a multitude of data and resources on the subject of digital dependence and its impact on youth. If peer reviewed studies and long form books aren't your thing, Professor Haidt’s TedTalk and interviews included in the podcast section below could be a great starting point. ​ Finally - we are a community that encourages discourse.  Please reach out to us with questions/concerns/ways to get involved. We know there are unique circumstances facing families today, and certainly understand the emotions tied to a decision as impactful as this.  We respect the opinion of all, but we remain resolute in our commitment to liberate our kids from digital dependence.



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